The first of what should take care about is that the installation files for the new anti-virus program already on your computer. Why is this important? Because in the process of uninstalling / installing better turn off the computer from the Internet, in order not to leave your computer unprotected even for a minute.
In addition, if you think that the uninstall process may be a problem, you can immediately see the recommendations on the official site of the manufacturer of your antivirus program.
The most common problems with the uninstall antivirus programs is that many of them are resident module that is in a constant mode to protect your computer from threats. In addition, some antivirus programs have a special protection so that they could not knock out viruses. Initially, therefore, these processes need to be unloaded from memory.
Open your antivirus, disable real-time protection (computer must already be disconnected from the Internet), then close itself antivirus.
Then the uninstall process (for users of Windows) in most cases the standard:
1. Open the Windows Control Panels.
(Start> Control Panel or Start> Settings> Control Panels).
2. Double-click on Add / Remove Programs.
3. Select You Antivirus program.
4. Click the Remove button.
5. Click Yes to confirm that you want to remove the software.
6. When uninstallation is complete, restart (or restart later) your computer.
In some cases, are more concerned with older versions of antivirus software, after the standard uninstall, you must manually find and delete the rest of his folders.
It would be very grateful if you tell us in comments about his problems with the uninstall antivirus, as well as about how you solved them.
See more:
How to detect poisoned web pages?
Who should be afraid of Microsoft Essentials Security?
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